When you head down to your favourite pub for an after work pint, or to the local bar on a Saturday night, you’ve probably noticed the fruit machine. You might have had a go, or you might be the local fruitie hero: either way, they do catch the eye.

Fruit machines are a great investment for pubs and bars. The flashing lights, the chance of winning more money back, and the opportunity of getting the round in to brag about your winnings is a great hook to get customers spending.

But what about the negative side of fruit machines? The aggression and violence from losing out on the jackpot? Or the addiction problems?

Fruit machines might help bars and restaurants make a fair amount of money, but they are also contributing to a huge and expensive social issue. So why not substitute your beloved fruit machine, for a classic arcade machine instead? Here at Williams Amusements we are arcade machine experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to classic arcade machines in bars and restaurants.

classic arcade machines in bars and restaurants

Profit margins

If you are the owner of an establishment, profit margins have got to be your biggest concern. You might think its a mad idea to even consider getting rid of your fruit machine, when it pulls in so much money, but replacing it with an arcade machine can make a huge difference. While a fruit machine does eventually pay out part of your profit, an arcade machine will not. So instead of competing to earn your money, your punters are instead competing for high scores and pride. And you can keep 100% of the profit.

Types of arcade machines

While car/motorbike racing arcade machines and games might look cool, if you own a bar or a pub they probably aren’t the best addition. Your seats and controls will likely become sticky from spilled drinks and overly engaged customers, even in the highest class of establishment. Instead stick to stand up cabinets. This also means they will fit nicely into any gaps left by your previous fruit machines, so you wont have to rearrange your whole space.


Arcade machines will attract a lot attention. From the slightly older generation who will feel reminiscent about arcade machines, to newly interested younger parties, arcade machines will be a hit across the board. It also gives your pub the edge over others in the area, pulling in customers just to compete.

If your bar or restaurant could benefit from a classic arcade machine, get in touch with us today here at Williams Amusements.